Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Base Ad


Crystal said...

who are you targeting for the base ad? the 18-20 yr old guys in the dorms or the young married couples???

bW said...

Yeah, maybe we should put a hot babe on it.


No, but I like this ad. It seems like it will stand out from the other ones in the base paper.

Honest question: Exactly what about it is makes it seem as though it is geared toward young marrieds?

Crystal said...

nothing - but i am imagining an air force guy, say zach or jason, single flipping through the base paper trying trying to decide what to do on a saturday night - would this add appeal to them? or are we trying to appeal the them? it was an acutal question...if sarah harrison saw it in the base would probably appeal to her - don't you think? it is kinda cool and artsy.

anyway i do like how clean and clear everything is, very easy to glance at and get a lot of information.

great job rach!

Rachel S. said...

yeah for dialog!

to be honest, i didn't even thing of a specific audience. however, i would assume that both of those people would be targets.

looking through the base paper all of the ads"stuffy" and churchy. i wanted to create something cool and "hip"

so that's what i was going for at least...

thanks for the comments. good to here from a military wife as well ;)

Rachel S. said...

something else. do you think it is ok to just put "Randy Jumper at etc..." or do i need a verb or identifier of some sort?

Crystal said...

it does kind of read funny when you notice it, but i didn't notice it until you said something...

Randy said...

i like it a lot - and there's no harm in running it for a while and seeing what we come up with - might even be fun to rotate some ads every couple of months...probably good to put:
for more info: contact Pastor Randy....or something like that