Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Friday, May 16, 2008


***edit***i have made the changes in P Randy's comment

On the blank notes, we can print upcoming event, etc.



Unfolded View

Little Invite Card

***edit*** I have made the edits to the front panel P Randy suggested in his comment. Still working on the back. Any picture ideas anyone?

Now taking suggestions/comments.

Friday, March 21, 2008

First Look Lit, Take 3!

-Saturdays 6pm even bigger.
-"join us" bigger.
-change "Welcome to thehouse" to "Join us at thehouse"
-change "Saturday nights at 6pm" to "Saturdays @ 6pm"

First Look Lit, Take 2!

Here is the revised document. Here is what I changed:

-Fonts....all of them.
-Less text--more to-the-point.
-Logo! The logo has been incorporated. It is on the design 3 times. I took Art's and Michael's ideas and smashed them together.
-Background circles have been faded to half the brightness they were.
-Map added.
-Pics inserted...they are subject to change.
-Saturdays 6 pm is larger.
-"worship for our generation" added.

Now accepting more comments. Click on the image to view it larger.

Thursday, March 20, 2008


See following blog titled "First Look Lit" to leave feedback on design.

In San Diego, I tried to take some pictures of designs that I liked and thought may be good for inspiration of thehouse designs. I would challenge you to start taking pictures of things, collecting brochures, papers, etc. of designs you like.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

First Look Lit

Ok. So here is what I have created for First Look. Please tell me what you think. And don't just say, " I like it" or whatever.

You can click on the image to see it larger.

Some things that will change:
pictures will be added in the green spot in the orange circle.
emails, website, other info still needs to be added.

Some things that will probably change:

Some questions I need you to think about:
What do you like?
What do you not like?
Does this feel like us?
If not, does it feel like what we want "us" to be?
What would you change?
What would you add?
What would you take away?
Is there something that you don't like but you can't figure out why?
How can I incorporate thehouse logo.

Some concerns Dave and I have...what do you think?
Does is feel too young?
Should that be just "toned down" some or completely redone?
Is it too much not our personality?
Or is it in the direction of where we want to go?

I like to put a lot of thought into these type of questions to make an effective design, so help me out and speak up! If at all possible please sit down for 10 minutes and do this TODAY (Thursday).
