Wednesday, March 19, 2008

First Look Lit

Ok. So here is what I have created for First Look. Please tell me what you think. And don't just say, " I like it" or whatever.

You can click on the image to see it larger.

Some things that will change:
pictures will be added in the green spot in the orange circle.
emails, website, other info still needs to be added.

Some things that will probably change:

Some questions I need you to think about:
What do you like?
What do you not like?
Does this feel like us?
If not, does it feel like what we want "us" to be?
What would you change?
What would you add?
What would you take away?
Is there something that you don't like but you can't figure out why?
How can I incorporate thehouse logo.

Some concerns Dave and I have...what do you think?
Does is feel too young?
Should that be just "toned down" some or completely redone?
Is it too much not our personality?
Or is it in the direction of where we want to go?

I like to put a lot of thought into these type of questions to make an effective design, so help me out and speak up! If at all possible please sit down for 10 minutes and do this TODAY (Thursday).



Crystal said...

wow great job rach! my only critique is that is seems a bit busy. i love the colors, i don't personally think it feels to young. the background circles were just a bit distracting to me. that is my first impression - if i think of anything else i will post again.

Rachel S. said...

Would it help if I faded them more?

Crystal said...

It might - you could try it and see, I also agree with Becca on one thing - the branding issue. i had to look hard to find our "logo." So if there is a way to make it more prominent I think it would be better.

Rachel S. said...

this is becca's comments. she can't get onto the blog at school b/c it is "forbidden" i have also posted my replies in italics.

* The directions to the church are confusing to me. Along that same line of thought--would it be feasible (or even worth it) to add a small map? Or is that something that would need to go on some other type of publication?

ha...i didn't even write these...copied and pasted from randy and art. however...i prob will be adding a map.

* As far as it feeling too young: I'm not certain. It just doesn't seem "us." At first glance, I was like, "YES!" but now I'm doubting myself. It may simply be b/c there is no continuity between our other publications (website) and this one. (See note below.)

i agree with continuity. BIGTIME. this was discussed in our original meetings and that is our end-goal...however we have TWO people designing things right now. and we haven't been able to work together on it. i was under the original assumption that i would be doing "design/branding" stuff and be giving that to art and others making things...but that has not happened i think because we had such short deadlines and didn't put creating a design concept into those and because art was unable to attend the first meeting. i think that these 1st two things will just not match for now. i've talked with art and we have thought of some ways to move our designs closer in the future...

*I like:
* I like the idea of putting pictures in the circles.
* The general design (layout) of each piece. I like the circles in the foreground and background. I like the order of information.

*I don't like:

* I really think thehouse logo needs to go on the front of the card as well. If we're really trying to brand ourselves, it needs to make an appearance. As it is, it looks like the circles are our logo.

yes, the logo. i'm still working on how to incorporate that. haven't go that far yet. i agree. logo is a must...the prob is i don't really like our logo...but it is what we have for now.

* The color scheme. I just...don't like it. no prob suggestions on that? color scheme is usually the hardest thing for me to pick. Obviously this is personal preference and is something I could definitely get over!
o Is there any way to make the color scheme of our publications match one another (from website all the way to actual hard copies) yes there is, but not if we work the way we are currently working--we (I) need input from the entire group on how thehouse should "look" and this will require a specific effort to do that...a meeting or something intentional...if we want to have a look we have to put some work into it like these big companies...some designer didn't just sit down and do this...they had teams of people brainstorming and telling what they wanted their marketing to "say" about their company...we need to do the exact same thing.? Does this matter? I think it would give some continuity to people who are discovering us for the first time, so that when they pick something up, it "looks like thehouse." For instance, if you go to the Tropical Smoothie Cafe, everything in there looks like Tropical Smoothie. If you go to the website, everything looks like the store. Same font styles, same colors, same feel. Same with Target. You know it's Target before you ever see their logo.
* I'm glad the fonts will change. ;) ha i was on dave's mac and away from my computer which has lots of fonts.

That's all I can think of for now. I wish I knew more about design i don't need comments from people who know about design. i need comments who are like the majority of people that will be looking at this...and the majority that we will be handing this to will not know about design. so that I'd have better comments for you, but I do not. I'm sorry. I hope this helps. helps tremendously

Randy said...

First off - great job! I like a lot of this - couple thougts from me:

Landscape side:

Good. thehouse bigger 6 PM bigger maybe
worship for our generation or soemthing like that on the front

Portrait version:

1. Too busy text

This PR piece needs to be clear and conscise:

When do we meet:
Saturday Night's 6 PM

Where do we meet:
Reality Room @ First Assembly
(have map from NLR Website)

Where can I learn more:

Who is it for:
20somethings and 30somethings who are ready to experince God and make great friends

Logo more prominent -

Branding is an issue - but not so much. We aren't Target yet - let's get something out there now and work towards the end goal of integration

Unknown said...

Hey Rachel, great job! Randy sent me to your blog so I thought I would comment. You have some creative ideas. One thing you have to remember is your audience, Midwest, 20-30 somethings, think of something that will fit your demographic not just your taste. My first reaction are the colors, they seem a little too bold, you might want to play them down a little bit. If you could figure out a way to make thehouse logo the center of attention, maybe at the top. If there is a way you can make the text a little more concise to where it doesn't run into the funky yellow-green colored circle. I would put more of an emphasis on the time and day of the week. I'm not sure if I like the circle thingy's underneath WELCOME, there a lot of circles already and I agree with Crystal about fading the circles in the background. Remember less is want guests to be informed but you don't want to overload them. I would put something about how to get more info: website, randy's email, church phone.

I know I'm not around a lot but I hope I could help a little. Hope things are going well, tell david I said hey.

Unknown said...

K so I'm at work still and have spent half my lunch break and (now) my other break going over this. Don't have time to read others' comments but here's what I thought as far as improvements changes I would suggest. Unless otherwise stated, I will be talking about the portrait view.

*The color scheme is nice. I like the blue on the maroon and the lighter blue accents. The green on my laptop looked more yellow last night than my screens at work, and I liked it better that way. and the gold was also lighter, which I liked better too. This might make it pop more.

*Golden Corral has 1 'L' and Saturdays doesn't need an apostrophe. things I had to change on the webpage too

*Some of the background circles combine for an even lighter tone when they overlap, but in other overlaps, they don't. Was this intentional? I like the transparent feel to it that overlaps and lightens.

*I like the different sizes and positioning of the words on the text "Welcome to thehouse" It makes it feel warmer and more fun.

*In "what happens at thehouse?" It looks like the "e?" are different font sizes. Whether they are or not, it looks incongruent.

*Another incongruency is the punctuation at the end of the 1st and 3rd section but not for the second

*the (h) seems too small in the corner. if it were on the landscape view (as the front size) it would be ok that small I think, though. Maybe on the landscape, one of the big colored circles on the right side could have that logo in the center of it, skewed to make it look like the circle and the (h) are on a flat surface together slightly turned inwards on one side.

*On the landscape, I would possibly change the arrangement (rotate, or simply the color order) of the colored circles graphic so the same one isn't repeated on the same side. It would make it seem somewhat different, not the same graphic that has been simply enlarged and moved to the right.

*No where does it say "young adults" or an age group. Is this to be assumed by the pictures you were planning on using?

*The background circles are possibly too busy (more noticeably so on the landscape view)

*The big colored circles are transparent (or maybe just not on the top layer) on the landscape but not the portrait.

This is what I've noticed by just looking at it. Sorry I didn't use the rubrick of questions you had listed. If you still want me to do that later, I will, but it will take some time.

Nicely done Rach. This is why we have you doing this. THANKS!

Michael said...

learning to streamline a business/website i guess is no diff than for theHouse. i agree that there needs to be continuity; of color shapes, etc. the simpler the better. i like to get the meat real quick. could the light blue circles in the background be theHouse logo? that would be cool.